Support, Training & Implementation
Ongoing technical support, training for your team, process improvements, customisation, best practice auditing and project implementation. We're here for you!
Support, Training & Implementation
Ongoing technical support, training for your team, process improvements, customisation, best practice auditing and project implementation. We're here for you!
Why choose [Automated] for Support, Training + Implementation?
Top notch support for your whole team, for everything big and small. 
Ongoing technical support
At [Automated] by The Global Society, we believe a system is just one piece of the puzzle.
You also need training and support to ensure you're getting the most out of your technology!

We provide ongoing technical and system support standard as part of our [Automated] packages.
This covers anything from small questions like "how do I send a one-off email to all students travelling to Thailand?" to "we've had an internal branding change and need help to update our messages and pages" all the way through to large scoped projects like creating a pre-departure course or a Staff Portal.
Best practice process audit
We are first and foremost student mobility professionals with decades of combined experience in the Australian Learning Abroad industry.

Combine this with our in-depth technology, process development, productivity and system knowledge, and you have armed yourself with a team who know industry (and process) best practices.

Before we build anything, we ensure we understand your processes, conduct a process review and help you to translate that into a system - at no extra charge.
We're always looking for ways to improve
Processes are always improving and technology is always being updated. With [Automated] you don't have to worry about keeping on top of all the changes - we do this for you.

When new technology is released or updated we immediately get to work. We investigate how it works and what the implications are for each of our clients based on their processes, goals and wish-list. We then create training and map system and process updates to send to you for consideration.

In addition to this, we undertake quarterly system review to make sure everything is working as intended; look for efficiencies and look for areas to improve based on industry or system best practices.

Your own personal back-up team
When you subscribe to [Automated], you don't just get a system - you also get your own personal back-up team that are here to support YOU with whatever you need.

But it's not just technical support we help you with. We take care of training your staff, process improvement and project implementation, data cleaning and uploads, design services and more.

Urgently need a report for a meeting tomorrow morning, but you're stuck in meetings all day? Or has there been a change in process and now all study tours travelling to Singapore need a completed risk assessment? There's nothing too big or too small.

We're just an email or a phone call away!

"My rough guess is that this has saved me at least 1000 hours per year... but this is conservative."
Michelle Kofod
Lead, Learning Abroad Short Programs & Study Abroad
University of New South Wales
 Already supporting learning abroad teams just like yours. 
 Problems Solved 
 Our support service is included in our [Automated] packages,
so you can rest easy knowing we're there when you need us. 
"Technology is hard to understand"

No matter your level of tech-savvy-ness, we help you to understand how your system works. More than that, we provide training on how it works for your processes.

We provide customised training when you need it and demo videos on demand. We'll even train your new staff members for you!

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"I have a new project idea, but unsure how to move forward"

That's what we're here for! To make your ideas and goals come to life.

Simply send us the details of what you're aiming for and take a breath as we take care of the details.

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"We handle credit approvals differently than others"

There's no cookie-cutter approach that works for learning abroad. Your team, processes, and institution are unique - that means your system should be, too!

We take the time to understand your processes and build everything from the ground up. The end product is a system that is fully customised for you.

 Imagine what [Automated]
could do for you!
Countless hours back in your calendar, systematised processes, a customised experience for your team and students + more... 

We are passionate about how overseas experiences transforms lives!
