Program + Partner Management
Managing all your programs across Exchange, Short Programs, Internships, Study Tours, WIL and Volunteering can be tricky. But not with [Automated]!
Program + Partner Management
Managing all your programs across Exchange, Short Programs, Internships, Study Tours, WIL and Volunteering can be tricky. But not with [Automated]!
Why choose [Automated] for Program + Partner Management?
Manage all your programs, partnerships and related student participants all in one place.
Keep Track of Program Details Across Intakes
We customise a powerful CRM to host all the data you need to collect and store across all your programs. Store and track everything from dates, host application processes, eligibility criteria, accommodation to balance values - and more!

But we don't stop there!

We also understand that the data you need for Internships will be different to Exchange - which is why we also build separate data sets for each program type.

Furthermore, these critical program details are likely to change year-on-year or each intake. With [Automated] by The Global Society, you can easily see the details across intakes and track what those differences are. This provides a solid foundation for comprehensive reporting to keep you on track and in the loop - see more below.
Manage Partnerships + Agreements
Partnerships go hand-in-hand with Program Management. Along with your Program database, we will build a customised and comprehensive Partnership Management system that handles everything from agreement details, student balances, key contacts and more.

Set up automatic reminders and notifications when an agreement is coming up for renewal. Each Partner is linked to all associated inbound and outbound students, along with the programs they are undertaking.

Want more? How about the ability to manage International Delegations, Meetings, Conferences and Events all in one place, with detailed note keeping all linked to the Partner and associated staff members. Now that's powerful!
Collect Program Details + Proposals from your Partners
With [Automated], you can collect Program details and Program Proposals from partners (or prospective partners) without lifting a finger.

Working with your own processes, we will create customised, powerful systems and automation that send a program details request to your partners in preparation for the next intake or round. Your partners can submit Program details with a click of a button which will update your Program database with those pending details for you to review (and approve)!

"But what about Proposals? I have an inbox full of Program Proposals!"

We hear you, and we've got you covered.

We will build a customised page for your Partners (and potential partners) to complete all the details of their program proposal - focussing on the details that matter to you.

Once submitted, the Proposal is added to your approval process, sending notifications to the relevant staff members in your team for approval (e.g. Exchange proposals are sent to your Exchange team). This is endlessly customisable, with the ability to create multiple layers of approval and feedback.

Once a decision is made, this is communicated along with any relevant notes to the Proposal primary contact - automatically. Plus, a checklist is generated and sent to your team to ensure everything is updated and ready to promote the new program (and ensure there's no dropped balls!).
Powerful Reporting
With Program details across intakes stored all in one place, you have the ability to create automatic and ad hoc reports on the data that matters the most to you.

Plus, you can investigate the meaning behind those numbers! Did you have less students travel on that study tour to Vietnam last year? You can easily compare those programs and see what changed - did the dates shift? Or perhaps it ran in the Winter break last year and less students could attend.

With your students, programs and partners all interconnected in your system, you can draw on those connections to give you detailed reports - when you need them.

Do you need to report on the same data each week to Senior Management? We can set that up!

Do you want a weekly digest of Program details and outstanding tasks? Easy done!

You'll have full control and insight into your programs and partnerships with [Automated].
  “Working with the team (Rob, Bec and Gelo) these past few years has been amazing. They are professional, responsive, and very supportive.  In terms of the [Automated] system, it has definitely cut our workload down significantly and allowed us to concentrate on more meaningful tasks. Furthermore, it is completely customised. The team worked with our current process and helped us to streamline it.

I would definitely recommend setting up a consultation, to see how [Automated]
can work for you.”  
Alastair de Rozario
Short-term Mobility Advisor
Swinburne University of Technology
 Already supporting learning abroad teams just like yours. 
 Problems Solved 
Managing Programs + Partnerships doesn't have to be a juggling act!
"It's hard to keep track of all the programs across the year and what details are outstanding"

Traditional methods of keeping track of Program details can be cumbersome (cough cough, Excel) and hard to see exactly where everything is up to at a glance.

With [Automated], not only will you have a powerful CRM to host all your program details but the ability to organise the data so you can see the most important things up front.

You can also filter and search by any data in your system. We can help you create customised, dynamic reports based on outstanding details, upcoming deadlines and more.

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"I need Third Party Providers to complete a Risk Assessment for their programs"

With our detailed Partnership CRM, we identify not only partnership details, but partnership types. This means you can easily segment your data and send information that is relevant to that partner.

We will work with you to create a Risk Assessment process that is automatically activated for Third Party Providers. You are in control - whether you need an assessment for each program or even each internship student.

Once the Risk Assessment is complete, it will enter the approval process and will be sent to the relevant staff on your team for assessment.

Once complete, we can even add layers of approval, reports and feedback to management to keep everyone in the loop.

Feedback and outcomes are then communicated to the TPP - automatically.

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"I need customised, top-level reporting for our Senior Management"

We've got you covered.

We will work with you to customise periodic reporting to ensure your Senior Management have exactly what they need, when they need it.

But we don't stop there.

How about a customised Dashboard for your Senior Management with all the information they need at their fingertips? Upcoming international delegations, agreements, NCP Project summaries, key student feedback, a library of past reports and more.

Keep your Senior Management in the loop and in control of the information they receive with [Automated]. 

 Are you ready to remove roadblocks, do away with manual tasks and take a step forward? Let's do this, together!


We are passionate about how overseas experiences transforms lives!
