Scholarships, Grants + Projects
A uniquely Australian initiative calls for a fully customisable Australian solution.
[Automated] Scholarships, Grants + Projects
A uniquely Australian initiative calls for a fully customisable Australian solution.
Why choose [Automated] for Scholarships, Grants + Project Management?
 Manage Government-funded project details, balances and reporting whilst keeping your Project Leaders informed with fully customised communications. 
Centralised Data for Individual Students, Projects and Cohorts
Our solution provides you with the tools to store all your Project and student data in one place. With a fully customised database that works with your processes, you will have full visibility of your past, current and upcoming Projects. These Projects are linked to each cohort of students who undertake that Project, which in turn is linked to the individual student records (see: Student Management).

With all your data in one place, you can spend less time trawling through spreadsheets and different systems.

Plus, to make your life just a little easier, to the greatest extent possible we field match to the ISEO data reports.
Project Leader Communications
Keeping your Project Leaders on track and informed has never been easier.  With customised nurture-style email campaigns, you can rest assured that all the important information are being sent to your Project Leaders at the right time in your Project timeline.

Request information and receive variation requests from Project Leaders automatically throughout the process with automatic task reminders built in!
Plus, you are kept in the loop every step of the way with powerful, customised reporting.

With an Advanced Staff portal, you can host all the pre-project preparation tasks, information and important links in one place for your Project Leaders to access on demand.  
Powerful Reporting
From weekly Project digests, through to variation notifications - we have it covered.

We will set up customised automatic reporting to suit your needs. When a Project falls behind schedule, our system will notify you and your team so you can step in when needed.

But, it doesn't stop there. With powerful ad-hoc reporting, advanced searching and a project lifecycle view, you can easily and quickly view where Projects are at in the process, what is outstanding and all the students undertaking that particular Project - all in the one place!

With reporting when you need it, you can reduce noise and focus on your most valuable work.

Automatic Funding Balance Calculations
Take the guess work out of calculating funding balances, remaining student places and administration funding with our sophisticated solution.

As soon as a student is allocated to a Project, our system will update the student balances automatically - cross referencing with the grant amount per student and spend administration funds to provide real-time, accurate funding balances. If a student withdraws, this will be automatically reflected in the balances, too!

Project Leader Portal
So you now have your data centralised; communications set up for your Project Leaders; customised reports for everything you need to know AND your Project balances are being calculated automatically...

But you would really like somewhere for your Project Leaders to access their Project information and keep track of what they need to do.

This is where our Project Leader Portal shines!

We'll build you a fully customised experience for your Project Leaders where they can: 
  • See all their Master Projects and their associated Cohorts
  • See the balances and how much money/grants they have left
  • View where they're at in the Project planning lifecycle and what they have to do next
  • Submit Project Variation requests
  • Submit Completion Reports
  • ...and more!
"My rough guess is that this has saved me at least 1000 hours per year... but this is conservative."
Michelle Kofod
Lead, Learning Abroad Short Programs & Study Abroad
University of New South Wales
 Already supporting learning abroad teams just like yours. 
 Problems Solved 
"I spend a lot of time manually sending balance updates"

With [Automated], your Project balances are automatically taken care of.

Then, using that Project balance information we can set up automatic notifications to Project Leaders via email.

Project Leaders can also request an emailed balance update - without you having to lift a finger.

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"It's hard to keep on top of all my projects and the Project Leaders"

We get it. It can be tricky to keep track of everything when you're running many Projects at the same time in various stages of the Project life cycle.

This is where our solution steps in.

Customised from the ground up, we will work with you to develop your lifecycle; including the stages and what tasks need to be complete at each point in the cycle.

Using this, we will help to create a robust system that keeps Project Leaders on track with their tasks; notify you when you have a task to complete and provide you with a lifecycle view inside the system of all your active Projects.

The best part? Everything is in one place. Projects, cohorts, students and the Project Leaders are all in the one environment which means you have complete visibility at all times.

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"I want one source of truth for my Project Leaders to access on demand"

With our Advanced Staff Portal, we will build a fully customised password-protected Project Leader environment.

This allows Project Leaders to see all their Projects, the details of these projects (dates, tasks, balances etc) and the students undertaking each Project.

Combine this with links to variation requests, information on Project preparation, completion reports and pre-departure resources and you'll have a one-stop-shop for Project Leaders!

Seriously, how much time will this save you each week?

 Are you ready to remove roadblocks, do away
with manual tasks and take a step forward?

Let's do this, together! 

We are passionate about how overseas experiences transforms lives!
